About Us

Closed For The Spring 2024 season. Thank you for a great spring. See you in the fall of 2024.

See you fall 2024.

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View the beauty and selection at K&T Greenhouses. K&T Greenhouses is a family owned and operated business and has been since opening in 2000. We started out with just 6,000 square feet of greenhouses and have expanded to over 30,000 square…..

Our Videos

View videos and seasonal special offers from K&T Greenhouses. K&T Greenhouses is a family owned and operated business and has been since opening in 2000. We started out with just 6,000 square feet of greenhouses and have expanded to over 30,000…..

Contact Us

Closed for the spring 2024 season. We will reopen in the fall of 2024. Reaching K&T Greenhouses is super easy. K&T Greenhouses is a family owned and operated business and has been since opening in 2000. We started out with…..